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14.08.2023 SSB tests granulate thrower in a 53ft container

Freight containers measuring 53ft in length are relatively common in North America, offering considerably more space than the standard 20ft, 30ft and 40ft shipping containers.

SSB recently set up and simulated a test with its granulate thrower in its facility for a customer from the USA. This posed a challenge, with the aim being to fill a 53ft container evenly with granulate.

The inliner has a total length of 16.2 metres and is to be inflated and then filled very quickly by the company’s GWS 2000 granulate thrower. However, the known throwing distances are below the new targets.

The tests by SSB are to find out realistically the new requirements can be implemented.

Inflated Inliner

(Middle) Inliner view from inside

(Bottom) Inliner filled with granules

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