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22.01.2024 Explosion isolation flap valve available in more sizes

Fike Corporation, manufacturers and suppliers of explosion protection solutions, has announced its explosion isolation flap valve, Fike DFI, is now available in stainless steel assemblies for sizes DN100 to DN800.

Fike has also expanded its sizes of DFI up to DN1000 to meet the needs of larger dust collectors or other industrial applications that horizontally convey organic dust. The latest stainless-steel execution is safe for use within food production and chemical plants to protect against rust, paint, or other contaminants from entering the product.

DFI includes two flaps on a vertical centre-bar hinge which are held open by normal process flow. When a deflagration occurs, the pressure reverses the flow and quickly closes the lightweight flaps into a locked position strong enough to contain the pressure and flames and protect upstream equipment.  DFI is considered a “passive” explosion isolation valve because it is activated by the pressure itself and not activated with electronics.

“Because it is designed for installation in both vertical and horizontal orientations, protects against a wide range of combustible dust hazards, and is now available in stainless steel, Fike DFI is suitable for most industrial applications when passive isolation explosion protection is achievable,” said Jim Vingerhoets, Fike Explosion Safety Consultant.


Fike DFI is now available in stainless steel assemblies for sizes DN100 to DN800

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